Here is a translation of oftenly-used descriptions in our certificate .
日本語 | English | |
時代 (Period) |
平安時代 | Heian period |
鎌倉時代 | Kamakura period | |
室町時代 | Muromachi period | |
安土桃山時代 | Azuchi-Momoyama period | |
江戸時代 | Edo period | |
明治以降 | Since the Meiji era | |
~初期 | beginning of ~ | |
~前期 | early ~ | |
~中期 | mid ~ | |
~後期 | later ~ | |
~末期 | end of ~ | |
等級 (Class) |
重要文化資料 | Jūyō Bunka Shiryō (1st class) |
甲種特別貴重資料 | Kōshu Tokubetsu Kichō Shiryō (2nd class) | |
特別貴重資料 | Tokubetsu Kichō Shiryō (3rd class) | |
貴重資料 | Kichō Shiryō (4th class) | |
保存資料 | Hozon Shiryō (5th class) | |
その他 (etc.) |
銘 | inscription / signature |
前正中 | the center of the front side / central front ([inside] plate) | |
後正中 | the center of the back side / central rear ([inside] plate) | |
~は後補 | ~ added later | |
~は現代 | ~ was made recently (contemporary) | |
仕立 | Shitate (tailoring) refurbished(assembled) | |
射向 | Imuke (right side from front view) | |
馬手 | Mete (left side from front view) |


