当会海外支部の年報「Japanese Armor Society Yearbook」を会員限定で販売致します。
We sell all issues of “JAS YEARBOOK” only for our members.
If you are a member who lives in other countries,please contact our Western branch.
【JAS YEARBOOK No.1】2018年1月発行
・Masked Warriors -The Battle Stage of the Samurai(Bas J.M. Verberk)
・In praise of matsumiya Kanzan A study of Meiko Zukan(Robert Burawoy)
・Willem Dolphyn,Antwerp,Belgium 1935-2016(Luc Taelman)
・SAMURAI ART MUSEUM -The Collection Janssen Berlin
・Various problems with toppai-kabuto and simular hekmets(Takemura Masao 竹村雅夫)※『甲冑武具研究』124号より
【JAS YEARBOOK No.2】2019年1月発行
・Encounter with a contemporary armourer Fukutake Ichiro(福武一郎)(Robert Burawoy)
・The Yonezawa Matchlock!(History of Uesugi clan)(Jan Pettersson)
・Momonari-kabuto- Their Chronology and Local Characteristics
・The 1st JAS Grand Tour(John Wee Tom)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.3】2020年1月発行
・Birth of a myth:Gitsu/Gido( Robert Burawoy)
・More of the same:the Nobuie controversy (Robert Burawoy)
・Nō(能)and the practice of material arts
two complementary pillars of the education of the Samurai (Benoit de Spoelberch)
・A 16th century Do-maru(胴丸)with a remarkable
agemaki no kanamono(総角の鐶)(Luc Taelman)
・Sengoku Period Armorers and Swordsmiths from Joshu Province (永田仁志)
・Wabi sabi, a brief history (Bas Verberk)
・Japanese Legacy Ⅳ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
A Visit to the Private Collection of Mark Albert The 2nd JAS Grand Tour (John Wee Tom)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.4】2021年1月発行
・The case of the upside down mon(Robert Burawoy)
・The Nagasone school of armour making:Technical and stylistic influences(Martyna Lesniewska)
・Osaka Castle(Paul Vandermaelen)
・A study of Maedate(Guy de la Rupelle)
・Interview with master armor maker NIshioka Fumio(Interview by Jo Anseeuw, Translation Lena Kasai)
・Date Masamune and Armor -With a focus on Yukishita-do(竹村雅夫 Takemura Masao)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.5】2022年1月発行

・Yoshimichi(gitsu)(義通):what period?(Robert Burawoy)
・Eastern and Western Armor During the Sengoku and Momoyama Periods(Takemura Masao 竹村雅夫)※『甲冑武具研究』214号より
・Varieties of ‘Do’ probably dating from the Momoyama to the early Edo period(Kanno Shigeo 菅野茂雄)※『甲冑武具研究』212号より
・Matsydaira sadayuki’s nanban do gusoku Towards an understanding of cross cultural exchanges in seventeenth-century East Asia(Madalena matos, PhD candidate at NOVA University of Lisbon(NOVA FCSH and IHA))
・A domaru received as a gift from Date Masamune in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art -An investigation into the historic background and the credibility of its provenance(Hino Hiroo 日野廣生)
・The Unique Career of Myochin Muneakira(Markus Sesko)
・Interview with Kumihimo-shi(Interview by Jo Anseeuw, Translation Lena Kasai)
・The Battle of Sekigahara(Chris Glenn)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.6】2023年1月発行

・Bernard Le Dauphin(1938-2021)(Bernard Fournier-Bourdier)
・Jean Saporta(1937-2022)(Bernard Fournier-Bourdier)
・Chit-chat around a hinawa o-zutsu(Robert Burawoy)
・Diary of a Katchu Junkie(John Wee Tom)
・Rembrandt Gets Another Kabuto!(Leonore van Sloten・Curator at the Rembrandt House Museum, Amsterdam)
・A Hon Kozane Kuro Kawa Odoshi Haramaki 腹巻 (with matching o-sode 大袖 from the Nanbokucho period 14th century)(Luc Taelman)
・Bashford Dean and the Japanese Arms and Armor Collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art(Markus Sesko・Associate Curator of Asian Arms and Armor・The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
・Katchu 2022 :The Tetsuya Noguchi Interview(John Wee Tom)
・A Hypothetical Reconstruction of a Kamakura-period Domaru On the kuro-ito-odoshi domaru featured in the Yamada Archives of Satsuma Province(Toyoda Katsuhiko 豊田勝彦,Armorer 甲冑師)
・Eulogy for The Late Ueno Shuji 上野修路(Ueda Haruo 上田治男)
・Medieval koshigatana(Ueno Shuji 上野修路)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.7】2024年1月発行
・Colourful White and Yellow Reading Brinkley, witty witness of Meiji period encounters(Robert Burawoy)
・Armors of the Close Retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu:New Samurai(宮崎隆旨Miyazaki Takashi)
・Mainland Asian Impacts on Japanese Armour:A blend of Traditions in the Azuchi-Momoyama and Early Edo Periods(Martyna Lesniewska)
・A wedding gift(Guy de La Rupelle) ・From Yokohama to Paris(Bernard Fournier-Bourdier)
・A collector’s perspective(Giuseppe Piva) ・Bokuto:doctor’s sword?(Guy de La Rupelle)
・Kabuto signed Soshu相州, Sagami相模 and Odawara小田原.(Luc Taelman)
・The JAS Grand Tour to Japan:A trip to Mecca(November 2023)(John Wee Tom)
【JAS YEARBOOK No.8】2025年1月発行
・Material Culture of the Samurai:Manifestations of power, Status, and Cultural Authority in the Early Edo Period(Martyna Lesniewska)
・The Unique Menpō of the Uesugi Clan(John Wee Tom)
・Glossary of Common Terms uesed in Armour Descriptions(Robert Burawoy)
・Orikasa Teruo 折笠輝雄, 1949-2024(Luc Taelman)
・An interview with Fabrice Guillemard(Giuseppe Piva)
・Helmet unearthed from the Kisai Castle Ruins(豊田勝彦,Toyoda Katsuhiko)※加須市埋蔵文化財調査報告書 第15集より転載