一般社団法人 日本甲冑武具研究保存会

The Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor

JAS YEARBOOK No.8販売開始のお知らせ.



We sell all issues of “JAS YEARBOOK” only for our members.

If you are a member who lives in other countries,please contact our Western branch.






・Material Culture of the Samurai:Manifestations of power, Status, and Cultural Authority in the Early Edo Period(Martyna Lesniewska)

・The Unique Menpō of the Uesugi Clan(John Wee Tom)

・Glossary of Common Terms uesed in Armour Descriptions(Robert Burawoy)

・Orikasa Teruo 折笠輝雄, 1949-2024(Luc Taelman)

・An interview with Fabrice Guillemard(Giuseppe Piva)

・Helmet unearthed from the Kisai Castle Ruins(豊田勝彦,Toyoda Katsuhiko)※加須市埋蔵文化財調査報告書 第15集より転載
